2011年9月16日 星期五


I thank God for giving me friend's company when i totally collapsed...
I tell myself never cry in front of people...
Unless i cannot control my tears...
And that definitely will be a very tough period for me...

This reminds me of that night...
I really feel grateful for her existence...
Thanks for lending me your shoulder...
Thanks for let me feel a little warmness of family member during that cold and rainy night...
I appreciate it...
I appreciate the comfort you gave to me...
Although i should be the one giving you advices and comforts...><

I actually am a crying baby...
I will cry when i feel sad...
I will cry when i am suffered...
I will cry for unfairness...
I will cry when i am frustrated...
i will cry when i feel touched too...
But i just ask myself not to show my weaknesses in front of people...

This reminds me of the other night...
When i was alone and depressed...
Two people appeared on my msn conversation windows to give me encouragements...
One gave me a link of a Christian song...
And the lyrics touched my heart...
I thank God for your suggestions and encouragements through the song...n.n
The other one just gave me encouragements...
I was touched by her warm words...
And i cried uncontrollably...
Even though my roommate was with me in our room...><
But i just could not control my tears...

I thank for the people who appear during my difficult times...
And i believe that you guys are the Angels that sent by Gods...
No matter how far is the distance between us...
I still can feel the warmness through your words or a small action...
I hope that i can be that Angel of your lives too...
To stand by you when you guys need a listener...n.n
Cheers for our companionship...
It is so important for me...
Thank you...

