2011年9月21日 星期三

The Five Love Languages

I enjoy reading very much...
Especially those inspiring one...
Thanks Joel for lending me your book...
I really enjoy reading this book a lot...

Most of the contents of the book is talking about how to express your love to your MATE...
And i am not having a mate now...
But maybe i will in the future?
After i finished reading this book...
I am on the way to confirm what is my love language...

There are 5 love languages normally people own...
1.Word of affirmation
-Those who give praises, positive comments and show their love through words
2.Quality time
-Those who like to spend time and need others' attention for a period of time
-Obviously this love language is for those who like to receive gifts as a token of love
4.Acts of service
-Show their love through actions, can be a simple house chore
5.Physical touch
-For an example,hugging one when he or she is crying

I think mine are quality time and acts of service...
I like to be a listener for others...
But sometimes i need a listener for me to pour out my every feelings too...
I like to spend time with my love ones...
I enjoy spending time with them even though it just a simple meal...
I grow up in a family that showing love in the way of action...
We normally hard to speak out our love to each other...
But we will show our love through a simple action to let each other know that we love each other...

I am impressed by the cases mentioned in the book...
The one makes me feel amazing is the story of a Christian woman tried to love her husband who she began to hate...
How can we love the people we hate?
It is indeed a very hard decision and action to take...
But the author brought in the Bible verses...

But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.(Luke6:27-28)
Do to others as you would have them do to you.
If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them.(Luke6:31-32)

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.(Luke6:38)

The Bible verses strike my heart...
And remind me what to do now...
I am trying...
Avoiding myself from burning in the flame of anger...
I need time...
How hard to learn this task that God has given to me...
I am struggling...
Pushing myself to treat everything as usual...
I really hope i can...
But i just can't despite the darknesses of the world...
Lord,please help me...

This is a very good reading material for me...
Learn to discover others' love languages...
Learn to speak others' love languages...
I have a new perspective of expressing love to my love ones...
Once again thanks the owner of the book...

