2011年9月4日 星期日


How silly i am...
I always tell other people that i cannot give my trust to anyone easily since i was hurt by my loved one long time ago...
But i actually secretly give up my trust to some people...
I cherish the people i care and i love...
And that's why i am so care about everything...
I will not torture myself since one does not cherish my efforts...
I will leave and eliminate that particular person out of my world...
I don't mind i only have a few friends with me...
I used to it...
If i have no friend then i will try to survive by myself...
I know...
But i thank God that He gives me a lot of Angels around me...
I actually receive friends' goodness and warmness when they are around...

I rather i am blind or really deaf so that i will not see or listen the dark side of this world...
Many people are selfish...
Including me...
Many people are back-stabbers...
Many people did wrongs but they are not aware of...
I am scare of this kind of people...
Therefore i always keep a secure distance between me and people...
So that i will not get hurt...
Deep in heart...
A deep disappointment is swallowing me...
This is the price that i have to pay for...
For i trusted the particular one...

I told myself i have to treat people well...
Not to harm them...
Even i do not like the person i will also keep a secure distance with the person...
To avoid myself from hurting them...
I will only show the real me and the warm me in front of my love ones...
I really do not know who to give my trust to...
Realities are always hurting...
I thank God for giving me a chance to see who are those worthy of my trust...
I am trying to make things right...
But the darkness of this world is far more devil that i can handle...
Am so disappointed and heartache...
Will not shed a tear for the people who are not worth for my tears...
God is justice...
I already did my part and did my best...
I will leave the rest to God...
Only God knows our hearts...
Deep inside of our hearts...
I should not judge...
Because God is the judge...

